The ancient art of kintsugi involves taking a broken vessel and carefully joining the broken pieces with liquid gold. The …
Group work versus one-to-one work
I found myself reflecting on my own clients, several of whom have had one-to-one therapy with me and have been participants in some of my online groups or in-person retreats. I found myself wondering, why both? And which was most valuable to them? And which was most worth the investment?
Finding Help
Reaching out for help when we feel our most vulnerable is one of the hardest things we may ever need to do. This search may be for our own personal struggles or to find help for someone we love.
The Lure of Labels
What labels are you carrying? Are they serving you? Maybe you are curious about who you are beyond your labels or maybe you want to shake some off altogether. Group work offers a safe, supportive space to explore things like these. Please have a look at the list of courses and their anticipated outcomes to see if there is something that speaks to you.