Read feedback from others who have attended previous courses and retreats

“It was life-changing for me. I wish that I'd had this education years ago. It opened my eyes to lots of emotional "blind spots" in a constructive way and gave tools to improve”
“The course was so much more than I expected. I loved the group interaction and discussions in breakout rooms. It felt so safe and gentle and yet has been life-changing”
“It was a life-changing experience, and even though I paid for it, it doesn’t feel like a buy but more like a gift! Thank you Paula”
“It really was an unexpectedly life-changing course”

“Thank you for this wonderful experience”
“I was really amazed when most things were immediately applicable in real life. The course was mind-blowing. Extremely effective, so relaxed, with zero judgement”
“I loved every minute of it and can't wait to do the second course. You are an amazing facilitator”
“It could help many people in a powerful way, and I love telling people about the course”

"You've helped so many people yet I always feel like I have your full attention and concern. It's incredible to experience and watch"
"Thank you for being you. Thanks for the lovely course. Thank you for helping me see that it's okay to have fun!"

"You take every session like it's the first time in terms of your enthusiasm and care for us and the material"
"I love your sense of humour and the stories you tell, whether serious or not"

"I want you to let you know that the insights and experiences help me very much and make me feel stronger and joyful every day"
“Despite years of personal research into many fields and aspects to psychology and neurology, I have found that this course has bridged the technical knowledge into an emotional attainable understanding”
"These courses have helped me to discover so much about myself and to improve in areas that I wish to improve on"

“It was a wonderful experience and in many ways I wish that it could just continue endlessly”
“This has been an intensive self-development programme”
“I’d absolutely recommend this course”
“Such life-enhancing learning”
“I was thoroughly engrossed from day one”
“Your methods and style are a precious gift to have experienced”
“I actually couldn't see how I wouldn't repeat this course every number of years - it’s like emotional yoga😊”

“Thank you so much for holding the group so amazingly and creating such a safe place, I just love your approach and how you delivered them”
“I loved being with others in a totally safe and secure environment”
“The course allowed participants to freely and comfortably express and explore themselves in a welcoming and safe setting"
"Thank you for your attentive and personal way of holding our group"

“It felt motivating and inspiring. The group dynamic and sharing was powerful”
“Thank you again Paula for everything you have gifted me”
“You will always be a part of the smile on my face”
“This has been life-changing for me”
“I now feel increased self esteem, and became more tuned in to my feelings and needs. I also learned appropriate ways to express those feelings and needs”

“I keep recommending the course. I have learned so much, how to improve my personal life, how to view myself as precious”
"I have a big struggle with my attention span, but I can truly say I have been able to stay engaged and connected throughout"
“It felt like there were personal "light bulb" moments every week”
“The content covered was exceptional”

"You have given me the needed skills to continue to discover and grow in my personal journey"
"My self-confidence and self-worth have increased in a balanced and healthy manner and emotionally I feel a lot more grounded and mature"
"Through these groups I've acquired the ability to create a safe, therapeutic space for my loved ones, supporting them through their own struggles"
"Coupled with enhanced communication and listening skills, these courses have profoundly impacted my relationships, fostering positivity and understanding"
"I wholeheartedly recommend these courses to anyone ready to embark on a journey of personal growth and self-discovery"

“I feel a tremendous sense of belonging in each of Paula's groups"
"I have the most profound and sometimes painful realisations and then the most hearty giggles"
"It has been a game-changer for me to have group work alongside my one-to-one therapy"
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