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If you have specific questions regarding a course or retreat, or if you would like to start a conversation about how I can support you or your group, please send an email by clicking the button below. I would be delighted to hear from you.
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Unlike the name implies, counselling is not about being given counsel or advice. Counselling and psychotherapy provides a safe and confidential space for you to explore how to move forward in your life and to be supported in doing so.
Sometimes a few sessions of counselling will be sufficient to help a person find clarity and the resources needed to navigate a particular challenge. Other people wish to go on a deeper journey of self-discovery and healing and this can take months or even years.
Groups with me are a blend of experiential learning, sharing and group support. Sessions are engaging, powerful and deeply nurturing.
It is not unusual to wonder if we will ‘fit’ in a group. We may wonder if we will be too loud, too quiet, too broken, too slow, too quick, or too different in some other way. The beauty of group work is realising that we all ‘fit’ and can connect.
Online groups include a mix of people from all walks of life, including the technologically-averse! You will be amazed at how easy it is to use Zoom and how engaging and powerful the group experience can be. Why not try a 1-day workshop to see what it is like for you?
Absolutely! All courses and retreat fees are automatically broken into monthly payments; however, these can be broken down even further as needed. Also, please let me know if you are in financial difficulty and I will do my best to reduce the overall cost.
I meet with all interested people beforehand for a brief one-to-one conversation to check their readiness for this kind of work and to ensure that participants are able to support others without judgment.
On the first session with all groups, we spend time discussing and formulating a group contract which includes confidentiality, respect and other elements. This creates firm boundaries to protect the safe space.
This blog article may answer some of your questions…https://paulashort.net/group-work/