Wellbeing and Communication Workshops
for corporate settings, employee development and other groups
A series of three workshops inviting participants to reflect on their own wellbeing and communication skills. A direct correlation is made between how well participants know and care for themselves and their capacity to communicate effectively with those around them.
While drawing on the foundational work of Carl Rogers, William Glasser, Abraham Maslow and Marshall Rosenberg, these workshops are not simply academic. They are designed to engage participants fully, making the material relevant and practical. This kind of experiential learning has a very real impact upon participants and has a durability beyond the four hours of each workshop.
Group numbers are kept small to ensure that all present have an opportunity for self-exploration and involvement and workshops will be tailored to the needs of specific groups.
These workshops do not lead to a professional qualification as a counsellor or psychotherapist. They are designed for personal growth and to improve interpersonal skills.
There is no assessment in these workshops, however activities to consolidate the learning will be discussed and encouraged.
Workshop details
- Workshop 1 - explore the value of tuning in to our basic human needs and reflect on how well we are meeting those needs. An introduction is made to the value of emotional agility for our personal wellbeing.
- Workshop 2 - notice communication habits that will make us truly miserable and discover ways to communicate more effectively. Learn the core elements of 'compassionate communication' and make practical application of the material.
- Workshop 3 - Consider the value of congruence as outlined in the person-centred approach. Explore how incongruence in us may have developed and see the powerful, positive effects of congruence on self and others.
The cost of each workshop is calculated for specific groups.
Dates and booking
If you are interested in booking this workshop for your employees or group, please email me to discuss your needs and to arrange dates.
Delivery Format
All workshops can be delivered online via Zoom. All participants will need good internet access and a private and quiet space. It is expected that all will have their camera on and be ready and willing to engage with the group.
Sessions can be delivered 9:00am-1:00pm or 1:00-5:00pm, weekdays or Saturdays.
N.B. All courses are subject to a minimum enrolment of eight participants.